(Disclaimer: I understand that the substitutes are poor here, and the whole exercise may well be taken as trivialising racism, rape and rape culture, which are very serious concerns. If it is taken that way, I apologise in advance. I
Guardian investigations in Gaza
Gaza war crimes investigationCivilians, medics and investigators talk to the Guardian aboutallegations of war crimes during Israel’s 23-day campaign in Gazahttp://www.guardian.co.uk/world/series/gaza-war-crimes-investigation Under attack: how medics died trying to help Gaza’s casualtiesIsraeli military says medical staff ‘take the risk upon themselves’(Including
Closed Zone
Interesting video. http://www.closedzone.com/
Awesome badness
http://blog.wired.com/defense/2009/03/iron-eagle-isra.html Wired is great for this type of “awesome badness”. It’s like they took a left critique of society and tried to tick off all the boxes: Patriarchal, misogynist, jingoistic, phallic imagery, objectification, militarist, macho, capitalist, bourgeois, fear-mongering, warmongering, latent
Change, or not
Biden Vows to Continue Bush Policy Towards Iranhttp://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/articles/2009/02/09/hammond_biden-vows-to-continue-bush-policy-towards-iran.html Biden: U.S. will to talk to Iran, will act if necessaryhttp://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1062238.html Arms Transfers to Israel during the Bush Administrationhttp://www.endtheoccupation.org/downloads/policy_briefing_2_2_09.ppt Send a Valentine to Palestine 🙂http://vivapalestina.org/